Monday, January 6, 2014

Miles 5 & 6: Pay It 40-ward in Action

My parents are pretty outstandingly awesome. Like, times infinity. Before I post their idea, here's a family photo from December 28, the celebration of their 50th anniversary. My brothers Yaw and Bill, as well as Bill's wife and two children, were unable to make it, but otherwise, here's the whole fam-damily. Kind of stunning to see so much brains and good looks in one photo, huh? (As well as humility, natch!)

Anyway, here's the Parental Unit's Pay It 40-ward idea:

We picked up all these items at the Dollar Store. Asia and Calvin (my eldest sister's two youngest children) helped "pack" them in Ziploc Bags for Homeless souls. They were very curious about the Homeless as we are living in a very rural small town. The homeless here are less evident and as soon is someone is identified as in need, this town responds with big anonymous hearts. We will be passing this bags to Heather VanScoy Gullo. She often passes sandwiches or other food items to folks standing along the streets of Syracuse, Liverpool, and Central Square, NY.

Each bag includes: Bandages, toothpaste, toothbrush, thermal socks, powdered energy drinks, razor, soap, animal crackers, fruit snacks, comb, and a small amount of cash. 

When I was home over the holidays I know that at least a couple of these bags were distributed to those in need. I love the idea that the project, in this case, anyway, is not a get-it-over-with thing. Instead, people's needs are being addressed as they are uncovered. Huge thanks to my parents for this great idea and to my sister, Heather, who already did her project but is just a helluva gal to keep the goodness rolling on behalf of my folks.


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