Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Mile 35: Pay It 40-ward in Action

I gotta say, I love this blogging business now that mostly it just involves me copying and pasting the awesome notes you are sending me regarding your Pay It 40-ward ideas! This is my 3rd blog tonight and I've only been sitting here for about 40 minutes. Woo hoo!

Tonight I feature Belynda's idea. She is another teammate (volleyball and track). Although she graduated a year ahead of me, we spent plenty of time sweating things out together. It is super-cool that the power of the Internet has brought her back 'into my life' for this occasion. Here's what she had to say:


Greetings and Happy New Year. It sounds like you had a good, though sickly, holiday season from your blog! Hopefully the household is all feeling better by now. So I wanted to let you know what your $5 to me turned into. With my opportunities to travel the world, it becomes even more evident how fortunate I am to be living a free life here in the U.S. and I always feel gratitude for our troops serving this country. What better thing to do than to actively express that appreciation! So I used it to purchase blank cards that became"Thank You" notes to be sent to operationgratitude.com. Each of the 20 note cards were hand decorated by me today and a hand written note of thanks and encouragement included inside. I'm going to send them off tomorrow.

You've inspired me to continue to spread good will. Since I turned 40 last November, maybe 40 acts of kindness... I'm still working it out! The focus of life certainly changes as you age and get more perspective.

Best of luck with the training for the 40 mile run!! Can't wait to see how everyone fosters what you have started.

Warm Wishes,

You can add "artistically brilliant" to the list of adjectives for my teammates! 

I could just weep with joy that she is also taking this chance to continue on and make it 40 acts of kindness for the year. It's stuff like this that makes me realize that running a few miles in single-digit temperatures is simultaneously no big deal and a VERY big deal: The actual running is not that important but the lives that are being touched are sure to countless. Well, I hope so, anyway....

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