I've had a several people say they want to come to the race and cheer me on. That's so very cool and I hope we can make a great time of it. I'm especially excited because 2 of my sisters (haven't worked on the 3rd, so maybe we'll all be here!) are planning to come and spend part of their April vacation week in the Boston area because their kids have never "done" New England. So, not even counting my husband and kiddos that's 8 people on my "team"!
I am planning on "getting through" the race rather than pushing for a certain time... mostly because winter training is daunting, at best, but also because there are so many THINGS that go along with this race and the weekend surrounding it. I want to experience them all and I think being over-focused on a certain finish time I will forgo the fun in order to restrict my activities, my diet, etc. Also, my time is good for 2011 AND 2012 so it's not like I need to knock myself out. I plan to run again in 2012 with the completely awesome Sarah Bowen Shea of "Run Like a Mother" fame.
Scott says I ought to book a hotel right now... but I really feel like I need to get a sense of who's on board for the day, the weekend, or what.
Just looking at some photos I Googled of the race and it is blowing my mind that I will be running to 25,000 people! The biggest race I've done had about 800 people. Whoa. Craziness! It looks a little like this...
For now I'm just going to stay in my easy-does-it training mode. I will officially begin training 16 weeks out from the race. Huh. Guess I ought to calculate exactly when that is... So that I can step over the other very famous line involved in this equation:
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