Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Mile 33: Pay It 40-ward in Action

Huzzah! Another Pay It 40ward story has popped into my email. This one is from my Mile 33 teammate (and second cousin), Corrie who lives in Alabama. (Rockin' the Northern-like weather, this week, huh, Corrie? Sorry about that....) Here's what she had to say:

I just wanted to let you know what I did with the $5. I've been holding on to it with no clue as to what to do with it. Then a friend lost everything when their house burned to the ground. I used the money to put some personal hygiene items together for their family to go along with the clothes, books and toys that we gathered as well. Thank you so much for doing Payit40ward! I have found myself trying to give a little bit more. Even just when tipping a server! It makes me happy to see the recipient happy! I love reading your blog posts and wish I could motivate myself to run a 1/4 of what you run! 

Corrie's email came last night when I was struggling to work up the energy to face the rest of my week. It was exactly what I needed to help motivate me for another early morning and another long day. Thank you, Corrie! And thank you to all of you who you have been in touch and encouraged me... even when you are saying "you are nuts" I am hearing "nice going, Phoebe!"

Ten miles tomorrow. Must go to bed.... 
I forgot that I took this picture on my phone after one of my fairly long Saturday long runs. A twice-utlized-by-me port-o-potty. Seemed funny at the time. Runner's brain: it's not just a myth.

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