Friday, February 10, 2012

Five Things Friday: Don't Be Jealous Edition

I know I'm lucky to be home where (between wiping noses and bottoms, preparing bottles and snacks and meals, and generally amusing small people) I can get this stuff done before the Sacred Weekend, but Friday's are totally exhausting for me. Here's what Friday looks like at my house:

1. Laundry

I think I'm on load #647 today. Okay. Maybe 5. Thankfully I have an excellent helper. He's the go-to guy for matching socks and hanging up short-enough clothes on the gate. (My post about going green will explain the laundry situation).

2. Bread
We were out of honey so I had to use real-live sugar. We'll see how it turns out. (My buddy here looks skeptical!) I make bread at least once a week because frankly, once I started making my own, store-bought bread just tastes horrible.

3. Garbage

So few bottoms that use them, but so many diapers! The dump is closed on Fridays but this is the day I try to get the trash out of the house and the recycling sorted. Always so so so so much recycling! Still haven't figured out if I'm going cloth with Baby TOP. I guess I really need to figure that out sometime in the next, oh, 8 weeks!

4. Groceries

I am lucky that I don't have to hit the road this evening and get the shopping done.... That's the thing that usually drives the exhaustion to 11. But here's the start of the list for Scott's Guy Day adventure with the boys tomorrow. There's at least one item that should make you giggle and will make Scott cringe. What can I say? When a baby sits on your bladder, you gotta have provisions!

5. E-news

Friday's the day I send out my church's e-news letter. It takes a couple of hours on Thursday night (usually while watching 30 Rock and the rest of the NBC lineup) and some final edits on Friday morning. If you belong to a non-profit and need a good way to communicate with your donors or members, I highly recommend looking into Constant Contact as a way to get that done.

Tomorrow is the Sherry Arnold Run (Walk... Waddle). I hope you have an opportunity to get out and move your body and think of her. I will certainly take pictures and let you know how it went! Have a great weekend!


  1. So similar to my Fridays in many ways. Scary! I might not comment much, but I love your blog.

  2. If you go cloth, will you launder your own? Or use a service? I had a service for 3 of my was a godsend! Good luck! And I'll be joining you energetically from afar tomorrow morning as my family and I do our Virtual Run/Walk for Sherry :)
