Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Running While Pregnant: Week 17

The hardest part of this week is looking at the 10 or so inches of snow in my yard. You may recall that I had been taking a lot of late afternoon runs around and around my backyard (despite the "danger" that lurks) so that I could avoid the scary o'clock morning runs. That backyard ship has sailed, at least for now. So, I'm down to the elliptical or getting my butt on the road. Here's how the last week looked.

Tuesday: A quick, "hard" 20 minute run. The boys had hip hop/theater arts class in town and so I took some time to don my headlamp and hit the road for a few. There's a great, steep, long incline going out of town in Wolfeboro so I ran up it and back down. I was shooting for 30 minutes but I was totally done (and REALLY needed to go to the bathroom) after one shot at it. Felt pretty good and "unpregnant" for the trek... though that same hill is one I tackle on my way home from my long (read: 18+ miles) runs and I occurred to me it felt just as hard knocked up fresh legs as it does on worn out non-pregnant legs. Oh well....

Wednesday: Rest day.

Thursday: 30 minutes on the elliptical. 5 minute warm up (going up one notch in resistance each minute), 20 minutes hard (up and down resistance) an 5 minute cool down. The only notable thing about this is that I'm pretty sure the heart rate monitor on the machine is not working. It said that my heart rate was 128 bpm for the entire workout, regardless of effort, until the cool down when it read 168. Oooookay!

Friday: 3.5-ish hilly miles. This was a bonus run and I was SO happy to get it in! My parents came to town Friday afternoon and since they could keep an eye on the boys, I was able to squeeze this in before I had to leave for make up call at the theater. I didn't feel pregnant at all! In fact, I got to my 3 mile turn around (on a STEEP hill) and decided to chase down the UPS truck that kept going by my along the way. He was parked at the tippy top of the hill, maybe 300 or 400 yards beyond my turn around. I decided to go as fast as I could to see if I could get to the truck before he got in and kept going. I "won" the race and felt like a rock star. A really great run.

Saturday: 5-ish miles. I ran from my house into Wolfeboro to meet up with my parents, Scott & the boys for breakfast. This was, again, a great run. I had asked Scott to check on me when he drove by to make sure I didn't want a lift. He passed me right at the end of the loooongggg up hill and just before the glorious descent into town (the same one I did on Tuesday). So, although I was pooped when I saw him, there was no way I was going to quit before the victory lap. Felt great.

Sunday: Rest day. (Read: pooped from life and NO WAY I had time to workout anyway!)

Monday: Halloween. Mucho snow-o so the yard was not going to happen. Shoulda done the elliptical but didn't. Spent the entire day downing chocolate. Like pounds and pounds and pounds of chocolate. I have a serious problem! And therefore....

Tuesday: (Today): Declared a reboot on EVERYTHING. Up at 5:15 for a 30 minute run. Felt great and I guess we'll see if my afternoon is miserable from exhaustion...) I sent all the chocolate in the house (well, not the boys' Halloween candy) to school with Scott. EVEN the baking chocolate which I could easily turn into chocolate milk. I am giving up chocolate until Thanksgiving.

I hope I can stick to this plan. I really really really depend on chocolate. Like more than you think is possible. But, it's gotta stop. It's not great for me and it's certainly not great for Bambino.

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