Friday, July 29, 2011

Five Things Friday

1. I have up to my eyeballs (happily) in house guests so the blog took a hit this week. (In fact the only reason I have time to write THIS post is because it's my day off from running... ANGEL CHOIR: AAAHHHHHH!) My niece & nephew have been the PERFECT companions for Tommy & Elliott. This is their fourth day here and it's inexplicable how well they've gotten along. (I think T has a little crush on Asia, which takes the form of following her around and trying REALLY hard to be funny and doing dances from his show). Mom, Dad, Asia & Calvin are off to my sister Heidi's this morning (near Philly). My in-laws arrived last night so we're not through the guest-apalooza yet!

2. My visit was Lauren and her kids was great, too... Although at this point it seems like they were here 10 years ago. (I think they left Tuesday evening...) We did a little running, a LOT of talking and catching up, and some touring around the area. It was awesome.

3. I'm still claiming Tuesday Tough Girl status even though I didn't post about it this week. Highlights of badass-ness include running a (new/tough!) route Sunday evening when all I wanted to do was lie down and sleep and cranking up my Tuesday workout (which I had to do on Wednesday) to 6 x 1000. (It has been 6 x 800 for the last few weeks). I also did a 90 minute run yesterday morning at scary o'clock after I had convinced myself that I could work it in later in the day. Nothing like Elliott walking up to my bed at 5:45AM and saying sweetly "Oh, Mommy, is it your day off from running already?" Ugh. I got up and cranked it out. With a pit stop in the woods.

4. Tommy's show opened last night. I was SO proud of how focused he was on his role. He's "only" Random Camper #48 but he didn't do any of the things one might expect from a really young performer: he didn't look out into the audience, he didn't slip out of character, he didn't pick his nose or his underwear... And while he's not exactly a dancer, he hit all the moves exactly in rhythm and maintained his tough & snooty character through out.

5.Next up? Tommy goes to camp for 2 weeks starting on Sunday. Elliott and I are going to make ourselves scarce so he'll have a vague idea of what "real" camp is like. (Most kids don't have their dad as Assistant Director, I dare say!) I think we are going to head over to my sister Heather's in Syracuse for a few days. At least then I'll be guaranteed some child care for Elliott & I 'll have a chance to get some running in!

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