Cut to 4AM... We hear Elliott coughing in the next room. Not unusual. He's a cougher. But it continues. And continues. And we hear him talking to Tommy. Scott goes in and gives him water. But it continues and continues. Elliott had 4 booster shots last Thursday so I am looking at the clock, thinking of my running gear sitting ready for me in the corner, and certain that this coughing is not going anywhere.
I bring him into bed with me and prop him so he's sort of sitting up. This helps me when I have a nighttime cough but it doesn't help him. He tells me he has a sore throat. It's 4:45AM.
I get his shoes and my things and we head home. I give him a teaspoon of Tylenol and we both head to my bed. (He's ready to "party"... wants breakfast and to watch PBS Kids... I say, uh, no.) Thankfully he goes to sleep fairly quickly and so do I.
At around 9:15 we head out the door for my compromise run with the jogger: Sewall Road. This is a short but killer loop. It's no 18-miler but, better than nothing.

One of these days... ONE of these days... I'm going to get in a Varsity distance run.
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