Sunday, October 7, 2012

Oh, technology!

I am posting this itty bitty post using an iPhone. The fact that I own one of these is only slightly less surprising than, say, me agreeing with anything ever uttered on .... Oops. Won't say which cable news show but I bet you can guess. Now I am totally plugged in and I have one less excuse for not keeping up my blog.

So, here's hoping I get plenty of free wifi where e're I roam so I may keep doing the stuff I love and keep telling ya'll about it.

So that I can tag this as a running post... Dig my shirt in the pic. Oh, also this: I downloaded the map my rum app. If you run w your iPhone would love your thoughts on the best app for such things.

1 comment:

  1. I have used the endomondo running app on my southern linc smartphone and like it, but I REALLY want a Garmin Forerunner 10!!

    It made me giggle to see your spelling of the app-Map my rum! :)

    Rum would probably help me get through some of my runs!!

