Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ready. Or not.

This time I think I'm really ready. Really really ready.

Ready, of course, to start running again. My body has recovered from giving birth. My brain is DEFINITELY ready for the endorphins. And the calendar is clicking away as opportunities for races slip through my fingers.

So, way back before Gabriel was "Totally On Purpose" I liked to run at scary o'clock in the morning. This worked well for me because even though that initial groan of getting out of bed was painful, I started these days with a huge accomplishment checked off and it put me in a great frame of mind for the rest of the day. In addition, it was pretty much my only option for getting a run in: Scott leaves for work at 6:45 each morning and for much of the school year, he gets home after dark. In addition to needing the kid coverage he provides, I am also just way too pooped by late afternoon to think about working out.

I am looking to get back in that saddle this week. On Monday night I even thought (foolishly, come to find out!) that I would manage to get in a 30 minute walk/run Tuesday morning. In theory, I could feed the baby around 5AM, get out of bed at 5:30, get out the door by 5:40 or 5:45, and be back by 6:15 or 6:20....

You'll be shocked (SHOCKED, I say!) to learn that Gabriel did not follow my prescribed schedule. He was up at 10PM, 12AM, 2AM and 4AM to eat... not a surprise and not too much of a problem, really, as I just plug him in and keep snoozing. But that 4AM feeding was my workout's doom. He finished up around 4:30. Now, I have been known to get up at 4:30 (or before) to run, but this morning it was just not happening. It was still dark out and I could hear the rain coming down. My body was achy from the awkward angle at which I had nursed the baby through out the night. I told myself, "It's okay, I'll just get up in an hour and get out the door."

4AM? Must be time for a drink!

Ninety minutes later I am sound asleep when I Elliott appears beside my bed. "Mommy, I have a tick on my privates."

This is separate-blog-worthy, but I'll sum up here:

Yup. He did. It was completely embedded in there, too. Totally upsetting and gross and unnerving. For me. Elliott was highly amused by the whole thing. Even as I was tweezing and pulling and soaking the little bugger in a liquid soap sopped cotton ball (you've all gotten that email too, I assume), he was unflappable. Apparently he is not terribly sensitive in those parts! Spoke to the doctor's office later in the day and they said to have him soak in the tub, put some antibiotic ointment on it, and watch it. Okey doke!

So. No run today. I'd like to blame the testes-loving tick. I'd like to blame an over-suckling 3-week-old. I'd like to blame the rain and the dark. But I'm getting pretty tired of blaming other things for my butt not getting out there.

This is my new reality and it's time to work in the workout.

Gabriel up at 1:15 and 4:15. I got out of bed to feed him in the living room at 4:15. Got out the door for my run at 5:20! Not quite 3 miles. Not quite a happy right knee. But... DID IT! "If you blog it, it will get done." AMEN!

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