Monday, April 23, 2012

Totally on Purpose: ARRIVAL!

Welcome Gabriel VanScoy Giessler!!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
7lb 4oz, 19 inches

About 90 minutes after delivery. Neither of us were dressed yet and I'm still wearing the blood pressure cuff! Swwweeeet boy in my arms and amazing Dad in the background.

My, oh my... I have a 9 day old person at my house! I have been totally lax in the blog department. Haven't even, in fact, been reading other blogs. I am thinking this is one of those times in life when a lady gets a “pass” on the blog thing. I'm still not up for telling the whole birth story but I do have plenty of items that I can cut and paste from emails and FB posts that give you an idea of how things have been going. I LOVE that the hospital had wifi and I had Scot's iPad to stay connected during my short stay there.

FB post, April 15, early AM, at the hospital:
This is one lucky baby with one lucky mama. There's power in that FB love! Thanks, everyone! Going home late this afternoon.

FB post, April 18, at home, kind of wiped out:
Something witty about baby poop, no sleep, staggering milk jugs and hilarious newborn facial expressions. (I need to outsource my updates for awhile... Got nothin' in the clever well.)

With this great response from my FB friend, Dede, (who totally gets me!):
I've got your back.....some whit in "your" voice....

Oh, the stinky of baby's moved bowels,
Which isn't as stinky and isn't as fowl,
As that of the husband's, whom my baby resembles,
Forgive me I'm tired and trying to assemble,
My thoughts, which are fuzzy for much lack of sleep,
So pardon my mumbles, and pardon my peeps,
I am trying to be witty and trying to be funny,
And looking for more... than just dreaming of running,
So for all of my neighbors and family and friends,
Know that the B-TOPS blogs have come to an end,
But never you worry, and never you fear,
I am so glad that Gabriel is FINALLY here!

*take a bow, then a nap* ♥

A sweet poem/email from the dear Willie Mork, an almost 90-year-old friend from The Village Players:
Clean out of myrrh and frank insence
But sending, herein, compliments
And love, to welcome to our throng
Another laugh. Another song
Congratulations and love

An FB Good Night Moon tribute from my sister, Heather:
Good night, Phoebe. Good night, breast pads. Good night, little man who wants what under those pads. Good night, brothers. Good night, Gungah. Sleep is happening now... xo Aunt Heather

My first straight up funny postpartum FB post. I'm actually pretty proud of it!
Really out of touch with the news lately... And on a completely unrelated note, Scott said last night that he's looking into shifting his career toward the Secret Service. Something about the culture and atmosphere fitting well into this personal life goals. I'm sure there's no cause for alarm...

The woman without whom I would not I have survived... Gungah and Gabriel, 2 days old and home! Oh, how I miss her.

First family photo. (Ignore the date in the corner... Mom's camera is apparently a time traveling device!)


  1. That's an AWESOME family photo, Phoebe! Congratulations. And a big, albeit late, welcome to Gabriel (a fellow 'Aries' born on the same day of the year as my mom)! I hope you feel better as I just read about how you've been feeling ill the past few days. And speaking of reads---I've got some catching up to do on this blog--but, of what I've read (and not that your writing wasn't enjoyably colorful before), but I must say that I think you're writing is maturing!! All my best to you and the family. Big hugs and much love--Chris Zimmerman
