Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ideas for Paying It 40-ward

First, I will start with a sincere apology. I have a Team Member whom I forgot to list in my last post. So, extra special thanks to Karen of Concord, NH who is Mile 15 of the journey.  Obviously this is the first (ha! probably not even the first.... just the first I have been aware of!) of what will surely be a mountain of mistakes and oversights I will make along the way in this project. Karen was kind and sweet and SMART enough to inquire when her name was not listed. When I got her "I'm in" message, I dragged her into the wrong 'in box' folder on my email and I am embarrassed.  But, she's a champion (and a mom) and understands distraction. 

So, in advance, I apologize to each of you for my past and future oversights, poor judgement, and general screw-up-ed-ness. It's bound to be heading your way and I just hope that you will be as understanding as my Mile 15 pal when it does. If you want your apology directly, all you have to do is sign up by sending your mailing address to me at

Now, on to tonight's main attraction....

You have amazing ideas of how to spread some goodness around, but if you're stuck, here are some thoughts. This list will expand as the incredibly smart people that join the movement offer their thoughts. I will create additional posts with ideas and there will be a page on my website (launching SO SOON!) dedicated to Pay It 40-ward ideas.

  • Buy some thank you notes and send them anonymously to people you think are Rocking It but may not be getting the credit they deserve. Be creative.
  • Pick up the tab (or a piece of it) of the person behind you at the drive thru window.
  • Pay the toll for the next few cars in the toll booth line.
  • Give it to your kids and let THEM decide who should be good-deeded and how.
  • Give it to a food pantry.
  • Buy lemonade (or whatever) from the kids selling it at the side of the road. Tell them to keep the change.
This is the tip of the iceberg. Please let me know what you are thinking about doing to Pay It 40-ward. I would love to share your ideas!

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