Saturday, October 5, 2013

Supportive Spouses of Badass Mother Runners

Tomorrow is my return to marathon racing. It was 2011 the last time I toed the line for 26.2. At 8AM I hit the starting line of the Smuttynose Rockfest Marathon with my amazing BRF, Lauren, in what promises to be pretty darn good running conditions: low 50s, overcast and 30% chance of rain. Not so fun for spectators on this on-the-beach start and finish, but perfect for us!

The reason for this hasty post after such an obnoxious absence is that I want to give a shout out to the Double-S-OBAMRs. What's a Double-S-OBAMR you ask? It stands for Spectacular Spouses of Bad Ass Mother Runners. My Double-S-OBAMR has been a complete rock star supporting  me through out my training and particularly in the last couple of days.

Every early morning run, even though I attempt to be quiet, I'm sure I awaken him at least on hour before he needs to be up. Every Saturday, when he'd surely rather be sleeping in, he gets up with the kids because I am out on my long run.

Today, he went above and beyond by taking all 3 boys on the Saturday errands so I could have the house to myself. Granted, while he did the dump run, grocery shopping and lunch out with the boys, I was home doing laundry, cleaning the house, and baking bread, but as any parent can tell you, those tasks - without children under foot - are an absolute DELIGHT!

In addition, he made me lovely homemade carb-laden dinner and popped up some popcorn as an evening snack.
Everyone enjoyed the popcorn. Some wanted more than their fair share!
In preparation for tomorrow, he has studied the course map and will, upon my request, position himself and the boys at mile 22 to hand me a banana. (The race, by the way, is about a 90 minute drive from our house. He's not leaving at 5AM with me, but he will haul the boys down the beach in time to cheer me on for the last miles.)

He has packed snacks and electronic amusements for himself and the boys. He has taken my Panera order (caprese sandwich and a full-test coke) for a post-race meal.
Packing up for a long day in the car with the boys. Note the iPad charging on the counter.
As I was thanking him for all of this work this evening he said, "Well, at the risk of sounding dumb, I think at this point we are in this together."


This is the first marathon (of 5) I have done where I can sleep in my own bed the night before. I have had the luxury of NOT packing up for the family for a whole weekend. I am feeling very lucky. I am feeling very ready. I am hoping that this feeling is based on preparedness and hard work. And it's certainly based on the support of many people, but especially my husband.

Such a Double-S-OBAMR!

And just cuz he's cute. Another picture of Gabe. I wanted him to show off the homemade bread I had made for dinner.... but this is his only pose once he sees the camera (phone) out!

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