Saturday, October 27, 2012

BAMRs Are Better in Pairs

The joy of running with Speedy Chic goes on. After a Friday from hell (what's the deal with pre-pre-adolescent male children exhibiting signs of PMS, anyway??) I was excited to tuck myself in last night knowing I'd be hitting the road by 6:20 am to accompany Ms Speedy for a portion of her 21-miler. Funny how some long runs are anticipated like Christmas and some are dreaded like a trip to the gynecologist.

Gabe helped me out in the morning by waking up around 5:20 (my eyes popped open at 5 anyway and I was just snoozing). So I changed and fed him, ate a small breakfast and got myself ready to go. The big boys were up before I left clamoring for breakfast but I said "sorry, Dad's job today" and hit the road.

For the record, it's still very, very, verrrrrry dark at 6:20 these days. (It being an hour later than I normally run I really expected some brightness to the sky). Add to that the INCREDIBLE, teen slasher movie fog, my lonely sounding footfalls and el dia del muerte coming right up and BOY was I glad to see Speedy running my way. She was glad-er to see me, I think, because she couldn't find her head lamp this morning so her first 2 miles were even more creepy than mine! (Loooooove that flashlight app on my iPhone!)

Speedy was running smart today. She controlled her legs' urge to go as fast as our mouths and we kept the pace under control. She is on her peak mileage week for marathon training - like 55 miles! - and had just done 10 on Friday. This is a new and fairly aggressive plan for her so it was cool to be in on this break through achievement. Have I mentioned she is so totally badass?

The course we ran was totally nuts, though very familiar to me. (Our first house is on the most murderous portion). Unending, unforgiving hills were around every corner. My plan was to cruise with her for as long as I could and then call Scott to rescue me. I figured I'd do about 10. Trotting along I realized I could get her through the most offensive, soul sucking hills if I hung around for a little longer. My right hip was just beginning to get ticked off at me when the final monstrous incline was defeated. Phew!

Scott & the boys picked me up when mapmyrun read 13.something miles. Woo hoo! I ran a half marathon today!

I was pretty achy when we got home so I did a little Yoga a la Bebe. Gabe is such a hoot these days and her adored having me down dog (etc.) over him.

Conclusions from today:
1. I really really need a race on my calendar
2. I really really need a new pair of sneakers
3. I really really love running with Speedy Chic
4. I really really look forward to sleeping tonight!

P.S. This is my 400th post. Wild.

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