Saturday, February 11, 2012

Virtual Run for Sherry Arnold

Hey, remember when this used to be about running? Me neither! 

But, today I have a good reason to refocus on the Running part of Running [My Mouth]. A small group of us, along with hundreds of thousands of others around the world, ran in honor of Sherry Arnold. Facebook and the blogs I follow are full of posts about all kinds of runners, walkers, non-runners, not-even-walking-yets, and everything in between stepping out for Sherry today. I recommend you click on Shut Up and Run's blog and check out her posts today and in the coming days. Just SO much warmth and love from around the world. People, in general, are just plain awesome.

Myles, Tom, Wade, Beth, Beverly, Mandy, John, Megan & Itty Bitty Baby Sydney all snuggled up in the front pack.

Megan offered to take a picture with me in it. Neat how that Big Old Sweatshirt camouflages Baby TOP, huh?

At the start of the walk/run we actually bumped into 3 seriously Badass Mother Runners who were doing a 14-miler. They read about the run in my letter to the editor and their plan was to get to our meeting place at 10AM. They were a little behind schedule so they missed our start. But... it was very cool that they made the effort to join our Mighty Band!

Tom, Mandy & John all ran for an hour (the former 2 are training for a very hilly Big Lake1/2 marathon and the latter 1 is training for a Tough Mudder). The rest of us walked. I managed to only need ONE pee break. (I cleverly planned our route to go by my church which has unlocked doors and clean bathrooms all the time! I am going to call it the E-pee-scopal Church from now on, I think! Ahhhhh....)

The bad news is that I feel a little weepy that I can't be out there acting like a Real Mother Runner right now. The good news is that the fire is still in my belly to get back at it as soon as possible.

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