Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday Tough Grrrrlllll: Too Tough? Edition

We had a monsoon going on this morning (okay, not quite) so I decided that monsoon + dark o'clock + random power outages overnight that kept waking me up + first day of school called for an indoor workout. So, I got up at 5:30 and did an elliptical and strength workout. Five minute warm up, 3 minutes hard, 20 push ups, 20 sit ups, 3 minutes hard, 18 push  ups, 18 sits ups, 3 minutes hard... for 30 minutes. It was dull and my iPod refused to play  but I got in a good sweat and my arms and abs are feeling it. So, we'll call it "kinda tough grrrrlll".

The reason this post is called "Too Tough? Edition" is I'm just wondering if there's a part of my brain/emotional center missing. Elliott's first day of Kindergarten is today. He is excited and nervous. After a hug this morning he said, "Mom, maybe I'm not ready for Kindergarten..." I, on the other hand, am not worried at all. I'm excited for him. I know he'll have a good time and I know (at some points) he will struggle. But I don't feel like I'm losing "my baby" or that it's happening "so soon" or that it means a fundamental change in my world.

I stayed at home with the day care kiddos and Scott drove the boys to school. I gave him a big hug, sent the camera along and seriously have not worried about it I bit.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!? Where are my tears? Where is my nostalgia for the teeny infant he once was? I'd like to think this sort of "cool, Kindergarten!" reaction means I'm well balanced but I honestly wonder. Most Moms and Dads struggle with this. They are clearly the norm (and normAL?). Is there a piece of my Mommy Heart missing? I guess I'd worry about it more, but my heart is missing that piece. Tra la la... moving on!

Lastly, here's a shot of the boys and Scott from yesterday. We went to Diana's Bath in North Conway, NH. We hadn't been since E was a teeeeeny baby so it was great fun.


  1. Super cute pic!

    I think everyone's reactions are different...and unless you're jumping for joy that your little one is gone..youre probably ok. ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ahhh...not to worry, I was a tad teary for Anne's pre-k first day....but otherwise have been fine. My "crazy" happens when they stress....no one likes to see their kids having angst! Be gladyou have the ability to RELAX!!
    Be well Sensi!!
