A long time ago (Sunday, April 25th) in a galaxy far, far away (our house) Tommy had a party to celebrate turning 6. He wore this amazing Anakin Skywalker costume brought by Gungah (who, oddly, has a Star Wars sounding name, even though it's not).

He was a funny and enthusiastic host and all of his guests had a great time.... even when he insisted they line up and follow him around the yard to show them the activities.

He used The Force to overcome some frustration with Jedi Golf (when the Old Tom would have given up).

His Yoda cake (made by Gungah) was gorgeous and delicious.

R2D2 rekindled (or kindled... since I'm not sure I ever explored that medium) my fascination with paper mache.

Finally... my favorite picture of the party. I hope he is friends with this kiddo for a long time so we can pull it out when they are graduating high school. So darn cute! So darn happy!
Victor is reeeeeeeeeally jealous! (I must concur, the picture is pretty freakin' cute. However, I think Elliot scrunched in line with his eyes ever so intent on his 'big bro' takes the proverbial birthday cake!! There is no doubt who was in the moment at that moment--classic!)